Art, Arty Thoughts, culture, Pictures, images, society

Picture This

With apologies to the blind or visually impaired. I have written about the power and effect of words previously ( what's-in-a-word; mind-your-l#ngu@ge; mind-your-l#ngu@ge-part-2), but what about the power of images? The familiar saying "A picture paints a thousand words" has been expressed in multiple languages for many centuries. Most of you will know it means… Continue reading Picture This

Author, culture, Language, Literature, society, Words, writing

What’s in a Word?

The familiar adage ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ is often quoted to suggest that the written word is more effective than violence in achieving political or social progress. But what of the power of vocabulary? The choice of which individual words to use can change the implied meaning, emotional impact and influence people’s… Continue reading What’s in a Word?

Art, Arty Thoughts, Author, books, Consumerism, culture, Literature, society, writing

Do you want there to be art in the world?

Art: “The expression or application of creative skill and imagination [...] producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” Oxford English Dictionary Creative people enrich our lives in so many ways, through their writing, music, paintings, sculptures, crafts, performance, fashion and films. Could you imagine life without them? Government funding notwithstanding,… Continue reading Do you want there to be art in the world?

Arty Thoughts, Beauty, culture, Life, the universe and everything, society, Wonderings

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

This well-known and well-used aphorism is self-explanatory, and few would dispute its veracity, except for perhaps the visually impaired. What appeals aesthetically to each individual is entirely subjective. Where did this saying come from? Some claim that versions of it date back to ancient Greece; Shakespeare coined a saying with a similar meaning in Love’s… Continue reading Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder