Language, Life, the universe and everything, Literature, society, Wonderings, Words, writing

Tell it How it is?

Or "What Have Euphemisms Ever Done For Us?" (Euphemism: “The substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.” I love the English language and the multitude of ways it can be used creatively to communicate, entertain and enrich our lives. There’s no denying I can… Continue reading Tell it How it is?

Author, Biographical, books, life lessons, Literature, Reading

How I Became Hooked on Reading

I don’t remember my parents reading me bedtime stories, although my mother once assured me she did. Neither of them read a great deal. My father had a poor education and restricted his reading to the newspaper and the occasional cowboy novella. My mother, when she had time and inclination, liked popular historical fiction like… Continue reading How I Became Hooked on Reading

Author, culture, Language, Literature, society, Words, writing

What’s in a Word?

The familiar adage ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ is often quoted to suggest that the written word is more effective than violence in achieving political or social progress. But what of the power of vocabulary? The choice of which individual words to use can change the implied meaning, emotional impact and influence people’s… Continue reading What’s in a Word?

Art, Arty Thoughts, Author, books, Consumerism, culture, Literature, society, writing

Do you want there to be art in the world?

Art: “The expression or application of creative skill and imagination [...] producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” Oxford English Dictionary Creative people enrich our lives in so many ways, through their writing, music, paintings, sculptures, crafts, performance, fashion and films. Could you imagine life without them? Government funding notwithstanding,… Continue reading Do you want there to be art in the world?